How Does Laser Spider Vein Removal Work For Legs?

The Cynosure ND:Yag is the latest laser technology used to treat spider veins. The hand-held device produces a 1064 nm wavelength that is almost completely transparent to the skin and is highly absorbed in the blood. This allows the laser beam to pass through the skin and penetrate the targeted vessels, causing the blood inside the vessel to coagulate and the vessel walls to collapse and seal. These vessels are then dissolved within the body.

The Cynosure state of the art laser system contains a tissue surface-cooling device, which continuously blows cold air on the skin surface at the site of the coming laser pulse. This reduces the pain of the laser pulse, allowing a gentle fast treatment to remove spider veins effectively.

How Does Sclerotherapy Spider Vein Removal Work?

Another method of treating spider veins in the legs and ankles is with sclerotherapy. In this treatment, saline solution is injected into each affected vein, causing the vein to collapse and fade from view.

Although everyone is different, you can generally expect to receive one injection for every inch of spider vein that is treated. Bright light and magnification may be used to ensure maximum precision while the skin is held taut to inject saline solution. A cotton ball and compression tape is often applied to each injection site as it is finished. Sometimes, laser spider vein therapy is used in combination with sclerotherapy.

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What to expect with Spider Vein Removal?

Veins treatments are spaced between 4-8 weeks apart. Each treatment usually lasts 20 to 30 minutes. Depending on the severity of the veins, you may require between one and three treatments in six-week intervals. The treatment is performed on the existing vessels, diminishing or completely eliminating their appearance. The development of new veins cannot be prevented and if your body tends to develop vascular problems you will most likely need to come back for additional treatments.